Last summer I set off to spend a few days walking, and camping along the Pembrokeshire coast national park.
I spent my days wandering the rugged cliff tops, and it's seemly forgotten beachs and coves. I was fortunate enough to encounter some Altantic Grey Seals. and their young pups. Still with their white coats, I spotted them one evening laying very still amongst the rocks bellow.  I had a great time exploring this truly wild welsh coastline, I returned feeling suprised at the abunence of wild life I found during my brief visit, and how little I came across other people. One night while camping on St Davids head, I was disturbed by herd of wild horses in full galop across cliff tops. They stayed by my tent for a while quite interested in what I was, and why I there. I felt quite privaliged with what I had expirenced in those few days, and all it took was a few hours on the train, a tent, and sleeping bag. 


A collection of photograph's taken during a few days spent walking, and camping along the Pembrokeshire coast national park, Wales
